Child-Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT)


CPRT is a 10-week programme to support parents and carers with their children. The adults learn Play Therapy skills and put them into practice with short 30 min sessions with 1 of their children. By doing this, they are learning skills they can use for life, long after a Play Therapy Intervention is complete.

Though normally completed as a group programme, 2 hours a week for 10 weeks, during the pandemic this is available one-to-one, online at a timetable to suit both family and therapist.


Learn Play Therapy skills and put them into practice with short 30 min sessions with your child.


Work with our therapists to learn new skills throughout our 10 week programme.


Learn skills that you can use for life, long after a Play Therapy Intervention is complete.

- Upcoming Events -

CPRT Taster and Q&A Session

We are running an online CPRT course in the New Year for some local families. This is being funded and so there are some additional conditions that would need to be met to access. We will be putting on a taster session for those who have more questions.

If you would be interested in learning more at our CPRT taster /Q &A session, then click to register below.

Our Testimonials

"Every Monday I felt I learnt something new[...]A new skill to aid my communication through play without controlling it. Our relationship is stronger for it, and we connect much more readily than we did before I came on the courseā€. 

Parent and Child Minder

explore more

Click 'Learn More' to read our CPRT-related blog for more information about CPRT and how it is different from Play Therapy.